You know when you read something and think to yourself “really, you don’t say” well that’s me that is. That’s exactly the response I had after reading this particular article (WARNING, DON’T CLICK ON THE LINK IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY THE F WORD)
When I say f word I don’t mean fringillaceous or even floccinaucinihilipilification, I think we all know the word I mean, so if offended, don’t look and if you did already I apologise lol.
For those that didn’t look, it’s basically a small piece about Brian Wilson (Beach Boys singer/songwriter) explaining how drugs “messed” his brain up.
Stating the obvious perchance?????????? Just slightly……..
He describes how LSD led to auditory hallucinations that he still experiences to this day, but hey, initially he felt really creative after using LSD so that’s ok then. A brief increase in creativity is worth a lifetime of hearing voices making continual derogatory comments about you isn’t it? (that was sarcasm ladies and gentleman, I’m not being serious)
Still, if one person learns from Brian’s experiences and as a result doesn’t use or stops using illicit substances then it’s a good thing he has gone public with it. Equally if it raises awareness of the link between drug use and mental health difficulties then it’s positive. It’s not always easy for people to speak openly about their experiences with mental health problems, or drug use so fair play to him.
By the way, the Beach boys song I linked to is (in my opinion) a long way off being one of their better songs, there are loads that I like and I enjoy listening to now and again, Barbara Ann not being one of them lol. The reason I linked to that particular song was so that I could go off on a complete tangent (I do that, you may have noticed) and link to another video. Its a different version of Barbara Ann by THE greatest drummer of all time, granted his singing is appalling but that wasn’t what he was known for. I have seen it many times and it never fails to bring a smile and a chuckle :-)