No, not Gnasher, I know that's what you were thinking, isn't it?
If you say to anyone Dennis the Menace they will (most likely) think the following words are "and Gnasher", as in Dennis the Menace and Gnasher.
That is unless they are darts fans, then they may well think of Dennis "the menace" Priestley he of the "arrers" fame. Interestingly (or not) if you google "arrers" (well I wanted to make sure it was spelt right) the Urban Dictionary, which itself conjures up all sorts of weird and wonderful words/saying, puts "arrers" in a a sentence, in case you are in any doubt what it means. I've just flung my arrers (the UD says), I think it would work better with me arrers, not my arrers (go on, say it in your best Cockernee accent and see which works better) but that's the example they give, my not me.
So why the teeth, or gnashers, as we like to refer to them. I say we, I am not sure who I'm including in that, but I know a lot of people refer to teeth as gnashers.
I have posted about teeth or things related to them previously, how do I know that. Well I have this amazing memory about things I have said many years ago, no, that's not true. Some days I forget what happened the day before, I would have no chance in remembering specifics of what I have posted way back. The reason I know is the label in the post. I wanted to use the label teeth for this one and saw I have used it previously, twice in fact.
Why am I doing a post about teeth, well, they drive me potty (mine) some of the time, now being one of those times. I have several crowns (no, I am not talking regal) and 1 of the in particularly frequently comes loose and drops out, occasionally mid sentence, which can make for interesting interactions, particularly if I am talking to someone that doesn't know me. I often liken it to Conrad Poohs as it isn't just the one tooth. At any given time it could be a range of them, well different ones, sometimes more than one, not sure why they just make me think of dancing teeth.
There will be less dancing soon, of the teeth, not me, I don't do dancing, well, I have, but that's another post entirely.
Major work is planned and commences shortly, proper scaffolding up and planning permission stuff.
Well maybe not quite that serious, but its a big thing for me and took a while to get my head round.
I doubt very much this will be the last tooth post either and why should it be, at a pound a go (depending on tooth fairy rates) there is a financial benefit to them pooping out, or dancing, as I like to think of them :-)